# Authentication API
This is Version 1.0 of the Last.fm authentication API specification.
# 1. Authors
# 2. Requirements
You must have applied for, and received, a Last.fm API account, via the account application screen. You must configure your Last.fm API account with:
- Your application name and description.
- Your application logo.
Your account page contains your secret which must be used when making authenticated calls – see Section 8 below.
# 2.1 Web-based Authentication
You must also configure a callback URL which will be used in Section 3.2 below.
# 3. Authentication For Web Applications
# 3.1 Request authorization from the user
Web applications should send a user to last.fm/api/auth, sending an API key as a parameter, in order to authenticate the user. This should be an HTTP GET request. Your request will look like this:
If the user is not logged in to Last.fm, they will be redirected to the login page before being asked to grant your web application permission to use their account. On this page they will see the name of your application, along with the application description and logo as supplied in Section 2.
# 3.2 Create an authentication handler
Once the user has granted permission to use their account on the Last.fm page, Last.fm will redirect to your callback url, supplying an authentication token as a GET variable.
The script located at your callback url should pick up this authentication token and use it to create a Last.fm web service session as described in Section 3.3.
# 3.3 Create a Web Service Session
Send your api key along with an api signature and your authentication token as arguments to the auth.getSession API method call. The parameters for this call are defined as such:
api_key: Your 32-character API Key.
token: The authentication token received at your callback url as a GET variable.
api_sig: Your 32-character API method signature, as explained in Section 8.
The call will respond with a session key that can be used in authenticated calls.
# 4. Authentication For Desktop Applications
# 4.1 Fetch a request token
Make an API method call to the auth.getToken service. You should send the following arguments to that call:
api_key: Your 32-character API Key.
api_sig: A 32-character API method signature, constructed as explained in Section 8.
This will return a token. To see the response format check the method documentation page. The token is not authorized by the user at this stage and cannot be used to create a session until it has been authorized.
# 4.2 Request authorization from the user
Your application needs to open an instance of a web browser and send the user to last.fm/api/auth with your API key and authentication token as parameters. Use an HTTP GET request. Your request will look like this:
If the user is not logged in to Last.fm, they will be redirected to the login page before being asked to grant your application permission to use their account. On this page they will see the name of your application, along with the application description and logo as supplied in Section 2. Once the user has granted your application permission to use their account, the browser-based process is over and the user is asked to close their browser and return to your application.
# 4.3 Create a Web Service Session
Send your api key along with an api signature and your authentication token as arguments to the auth.getSession API method call. The parameters for this call are defined as such:
api_key: Your 32-character API Key.
token: The authentication token received at your callback url as a GET variable.
api_sig: Your 32-character API method signature, as explained in Section 8.
The call will respond with a session key that can be used in authenticated calls.
# 5. Authentication For Mobile Applications
Send a request to auth.getMobileSession, sending the user's credentials to the call. The parameters for this call are defined as:
password (Required) : The user's password in plaintext.
username (Required) : The user's Last.fm username.
api_key (Required) : A Last.fm API key.
api_sig (Required) : A Last.fm method signature. See Section 8 for more information.
This call must be a POST made over HTTPS.
auth.getMobileSession will return a session key in response to be used in authenticated calls.
# 6. Tokens & Sessions
# 6.1 Authentication Tokens
Authentication tokens are API account specific. They are valid for 60 minutes from the moment they are granted and can only used once (they are consumed when a session is created).
# 6.2 Session Lifetime
Session keys have an infinite lifetime by default. You are recommended to store the key securely. Users are able to revoke privileges for your application on their Last.fm settings screen, rendering session keys invalid.
# 7. Making authenticated calls
You should sign authenticated web service calls with a method signature, provided along with the session key you received from auth.getSession and your API key. You will need to include all three as parameters in authenticated calls. You can visit individual method call pages to find out if they require authentication. Your three authentication parameters are defined as:
sk (Required) : The session key returned by auth.getSession service.
api_key (Required) : Your 32-character API key.
api_sig (Required) : Your API method signature, constructed as explained in Section 8.
# 8. Signing Calls
Sign your authenticated calls by first ordering the parameters sent in your call alphabetically by parameter name and concatenating them into one string using a <name><value>
scheme. You must not include the format and callback parameters. So for a call to auth.getSession
you may have:
Ensure your parameters are utf8 encoded. Now append your secret to this string. Finally, generate an md5 hash of the resulting string. For example, for an account with a secret equal to 'ilovecher', your api signature will be:
api signature = md5("api_keyxxxxxxxxxxmethodauth.getSessiontokenyyyyyyilovecher")
Where md5()
is an md5 hashing operation and its argument is the string to be hashed. The hashing operation should return a 32-character hexadecimal md5 hash.