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Mar 17

North Atlantic Oscillation + Kolo Tamam + TVAM

With North Atlantic Oscillation, Kolo Tamam and TVam at The Soup Kitchen

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Tuesday 17 March 2015 at 7:30pm


The Soup Kitchen
31-33 Spear Street, Manchester, M11DF, United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 236 5100


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Edinburgh trio North Atlantic Oscillation have released their new album, The Third Day, via Kscope - and the band will embark on a UK tour to support it.

NAO have an organic and unique take on rock electronica, which is clear to see from their new track. August flows seamlessly offering a glimpse of what to expect from the forthcoming album. It’s an effortless listen from a group with an incredibly pure sound.

With their new album, North Atlantic Oscillation have created a flow of energy deserving of their meteorological namesake. At a time when music is increasingly cut down into single segments for easy digestion, the record – the first they’ve produced entirely themselves – is woven together as a whole, beautiful body of work, the tracks entwined around each other with no dead space in between.

The band – featuring Sam Healy (vocals, guitar, keyboards), Ben Martin (drums, programming) and Chris Howard (bass) – formed in 2005, and quickly became known for their intricate, progressive take on rock and electronica, their 2010 debut Grappling Hooks and follow-up Fog Electric gaining them critical praise and plenty of fans with a taste for delicately intelligent music. And while The Third Day is not a concept album like its predecessor, that continuous flow is something Healy intended. He compares it to a shortwave radio sweeping from one station to the next.

Main support comes from Kolo Tamam. Taking a range of influences from Nick Drake to Wild Beasts to Snarky Puppy, they’ve developed a sound that most often draws comparisons to Alt-J and Everything Everything.

Opening the show is TVAM. A television screen oozes technicolor trash whilst one man and his guitar puke rainbow sounds into burnt out, new-age VHS soundscapes.

Price: £8 adv
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