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Sep 4

Harvesting Hell Metal Open Air

主演包括 AtheistDead Jesus 另外 3 位艺术家 ,地点:Benalto Rodeo Grounds



2009 年 September 4日, Friday2009 年 September 6日, Sunday


Benalto Rodeo Grounds
Benalto, Canada




"Speed Metal, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Black Metal, Stoner Metal… If you are reading this you know that the list could easily go on for pages. The fact of the matter is that it is all, simply, Heavy Metal.

The impetus behind Harvesting Hell was, and is, to present the most diverse line-up of heavy music as possible in a 3 day open air forum. As it is our first year we are somewhat limited by budget when it comes to bringing larger international acts but have ensured that we represent metal culture on international, national and regional scales. As well as live music we intend to represent our culture in visual art, multi-media formats, wearable art and recorded / filmed music. Artists (of all mediums), merchants, record labels and designers are encouraged to contact us and see what means are available for promoting, displaying or retailing your wares.

As for bands; the response to initial calls for artists has been both reassuring and overwhelming. In our province alone, let alone the rest of the country and globe, there is a wellspring of such brilliant and diverse talent that we could easily run the 3 days without looking beyond the border of Alberta. Unfortunately that would leave out far too many great artists from other regions. Therefor we have opted to combine talent from various parts of region with those we rarely, if ever, get to see touring our beautiful northern outposts.

The venue, Benalto Rodeo Grounds, was chosen because of it’s proximity to both Edmonton and Calgary. A central venue was essential to not alienating or polarizing either end of the province. The rodeo ground has also been used for other music events and has the facilities we need to make this thing fly.
From now until the week of the festival we will be seeking input on our web forums and support from many talented volunteers to help construct and run this show. All suggestions and criticisms will be considered and appreciated.

Please keep checking this web site for updates on artists, news and other events related to Harvesting Hells in your community. We hope to see you at our inaugural weekend. 2 horns up!

Harvesting Hell Crew"

演出阵容 (5)



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