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2011 年 June 6日, Monday19:30


54 Gillygate, York, YO31 7EQ, United Kingdom





Tickets only £6.50 advance!

If the past couple of years have been rock'n'roll's radio iceage, right now our toes are teetering on the brink of a lush new dawn. The question is; beyond the frenzy of supposed saviour bands whose name-drops have christened the New Year, which of the lauded gangs of axe-wielders are the genuine sculptors of tomorrow?

Well, of the few promised Next Big Things, none have earned their hype more than Camden's Tribes. "When you're a kid you want to be cool, so you make experimental weird music. But for us, I think there just came a point where we couldn't be bothered messing around anymore," prophesises singer Johnny Lloyd. "I realized that there's no point being in a band if you're not gonna be one of those life-changing bands. Not the one's you stroke your chin too, the one's you beat your heart plate to."

It's this unabashed manifesto of anthemia that's taken the rag-tag four-piece from prodigious debutant slots opening for idols The Pixies, to relentless grassroots grafting of the UK's dives, to being christened "The future of rock'n'roll" by fanboys The Mystery Jets, a sentiment chimed by everyone from NME to Radio 1's Huw Stephens. They're a shining testament to the blood, sweat and tears so many buzz bands seem to bypass these days, at their peril.

Joining the dots between Mudhoney and The Libertines, their debut EP 'We Were Children' (which has already gained Zane Lowes coveted Hottest Record In The World' status) is a fittingly heart-racing call-to-arms for a generation left crying out for band name worthy of being Tip-Ex'd onto a satchel.

Released on June 6th through Island Records, the band will be coming straight back at us with their debut album in August which is currently being recorded in Liverpool with Mike Crossey. Don't miss their trademark live shows over the coming months when they support Funeral Party and play their own headline shows!

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