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Zdravím! Zajímavý vkus a hodně klasiky, kterou vůbec neznám :o)
ty sis me nasla fakt vsude ;) .... ale nevidim tu zadny klasicky drumnbass teda :/
Well I skipped one year... Happy 2011!!
Well as every tradition, it starts with one year and then the next... Happy 2009 hope everything goes well for you! CHEERS!
see your dog has grown up a lot!! just as your hair! Happy holydays... hope everything goes fine in this new year!
:-* :)
koukam ze ted hodne poslouchas Feist
sad or musing??
Are you trying to be damien rice's top listener? you're almost there!! hehe. Enjoy!
hi again.... i've just listened to Goran Kajfez, if you find some of his music i'm sure you'll like it. Enjoy!
i want to fly a lot too!
Hi, we share one group in common, nice to meet you. You have a good music selection. Happy listening!!
Wow! U're 2 cute!
Ahoj, pěkně posloucháš i fotíš :-) United Flavour rulez!
cumet nemusis, normalne si vyberes a ja objednam, cywex :) a muzika samo taky
caune ;o)
cauneasi, preji prijemny poslouchani, gut tags :)
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