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Top music from 26 Mar 2021 — 1 Apr 2021

Top Artist

Moonlit Sailor

  • 2

    This Will Destroy You

  • 3


  • 4

    Explosions in the Sky

  • 5

    Sigur Rós

View full chart
Top Album

So Close To Life

Moonlit Sailor

  • 2

    We Come From Exploding Stars

    Moonlit Sailor

  • 3

    Raising Your Voice... Trying to Stop an Echo (Deluxe Edition)


  • 4

    El Ten Eleven (15th Anniversary Edition)

    El Ten Eleven

  • 5

    Anam Cara

    A. Armada

View full chart
Top Track


Moonlit Sailor

  • 2

    if only you knew what the lost soldiers did to me

    A. Armada

  • 3

    Fall - Triumph

    A. Armada

  • 4

    Where The Light Gets In


  • 5

    The Light

    The Album Leaf

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Highlights vs. last week

vs. 987 (last week) down 16%

vs. 141 (last week) down 15%

vs. 3 days (last week) up 7%

Scrobble statistics vs. last week

837 Scrobbles

chrispyduckdive scrobbled on average more than 95% of all users this week.
Previous peak: 1,592 Scrobbles
  • This week
  • Last week
  • 6 month average
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count Rolling average
Fri 142 82 128
Sat 35 146 128
Sun 118 101 110
Mon 115 79 107
Tue 176 264 100
Wed 89 115 95
Thu 162 200 135

132 Albums

vs. 191 (last week) down 31%

Top Album

We Come From Exploding Stars

Moonlit Sailor

37 scrobbles

On Repeat

El Ten Eleven (15th Anniversary Edition)

El Ten Eleven

11 scrobbles

View full chart

70 Artists

vs. 109 (last week) down 36%

Top Artist

Moonlit Sailor

111 scrobbles

On Repeat

This Will Destroy You

22 scrobbles

View full chart

317 Tracks

vs. 404 (last week) down 22%

Top Track


Moonlit Sailor

13 scrobbles

On Repeat


Moonlit Sailor

5 scrobbles

View full chart

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count Average scrobble count
0 8 31.24
1 10 24.4
2 8 17.44
3 8 11.08
4 0 9.6
5 0 9.24
6 0 8.6
7 0 8.72
8 1 14.56
9 23 21.16
10 44 33.72
11 45 37.76
12 70 52.12
13 53 48.48
14 75 47.04
15 64 49.36
16 48 44.88
17 55 45.04
18 56 47.84
19 66 54.68
20 56 54.44
21 62 52.84
22 50 42.96
23 35 36.8
  • 6 month average

chrispyduckdive is adventurous

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

37% mainstream score vs. 39% (last week) up 6%

Least Obscure

Bon Iver

75% Mainstream

Most Obscure

pulsar 47

0% Mainstream

vs. 4th (Last week) up 1



82% New Artists



37% New Artists



10% New Artists



3% New Artists

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