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onsdag 28 oktober 200920:00


The Rest is Noise
442 Brixton Road, London, SW9 8BH, United Kingdom

Tel.: 0207 346 8521


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Tickets £5

JOHN MAUS lives and works in Hawaii. Although first drawn to our attention as a member of Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti, Maus has proved himself to be an extraordinary musician with a distinctive sound in his own right. Perhaps co-conspirator and collaborator Ariel Pink perhaps has the definitive insight into the talents of the man... "John Maus is a maniac on a bloody crusade - a tortured evangelist on a mercenary quest to rid our world of villainous defilers of The Gospel of True Love. By turns shockingly infectious and disarmingly unpredictable, his music conflates a perplexing marriage of Moroder's 'Never Ending Story' and classical 12-tone renegades of 20th century past, harking the new path which resurrects romance from its post-modern shackles, and reignites the promise of a better world." John has two albums entitled 'Songs' and 'Love Is Real' available through Upset The Rhythm now.

DESIGN A WAVE is one man recording machine, Tom Hirst, sometimes in solo musical guise, sometimes with added choreography. In Tom's other band, Cleckhuddersfax, he perfected the synth-squelch and power keyboard hook and with Design A Wave he continues to write his tribute to a lost great pop chart. Design A Wave have a CD-R available on Angry Ballerina and a split 7" with Kindness available on Groove Records in the future.

FYOELK is an Amsterdam-based, German solo musician, who is messing around with electronics, drum machines, modified keyboards and tape sounds. Live concerts are experiments within the situation, where spontaneous thinking and decision-making lead through the energy of people and space. Great influences are Kenyan pop and early rave. During the past years he played shows in the all over Europe and the USA with Eats Tapes, Extreme Animals, Lucky Dragons, U.S. Girls, Peaking Lights, Unicorn Hard-On, Teeth Mountain, Ducktails, Tomutonttu, Monopoly Child Star Searchers, Dolphins Into The Future, Hamborghinni, Emeralds, Sword Heaven, the list is endless... Fyoelk also runs the music+visual publishing house Stenze Quo and is part of free music duo Hallo Gallo in Amsterdam.

CITY HANDS is the alter ego of Matt Hooper who organises shows in Den Haag under the Helbaard name and runs the label Silver Ghosts. City Hands has been entering the ocean in shark proof cages for most of his professional career, trying to become one with creation by confronting the arch enemy of hope and life personified in the Great White Shark, who's rows of teeth and age old brute force make every trip down a rebirth, this is the moment to find your voice and embrace the light, forget all there is and transcend.

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