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  • Born

    2 April 1996 (age 28)

  • Born In

    Okinawa, Okinawa, Japan

Zach Bryan is an American music singer-songwriter from Oologah, Oklahoma, known for his raspy voice and poetic lyrics. Bryan was serving in the Navy when he recorded his debut album, DeAnn, in 2019 and later left the military to pursue a career in music.

From a family with a long history of military service, Bryan was born in Okinawa, Japan, in 1996, while his family was deployed overseas. Growing up in the small town of Oologah, Oklahoma, Bryan started playing music at 14, when his father and grandfather bought him a Takamine guitar for his birthday. After learning to play and write lyrics, Bryan began to create his own unique sound.

Bryan describes authenticity as essential to his music: “I’ll always tell the truth in whatever I’m playing or singing.Whether it’s one of the hopeless love songs I sing or a story I wanted to put into a tune, just know at one point in time I was putting all my heart and all my thought into how my feelings and thoughts might be understood by other people.”

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