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  • Born

    9 April 1917

  • Born In

    Holmes County, Mississippi, United States

  • Died

    9 July 1988 (aged 71)

Woodrow Wilson Adams (April 9, 1917, Tchula, Mississippi, USA - August 9, 1988, Robinsonville, Mississippi) was an American blues singer guitarist and harmonica player.

A non-professional Delta blues musician, released three singles between 1952 (he was recorded by Sam Philips in the Sun studio in 1952) and 1961. The first was a rough, unpolished performance in the Mississippi-based Chicago blues (Howlin' Wolf) style of the time, the third release was more commercial rhythm & blues. Adams was still working on a plantation when researcher David Evans recorded a session with his band in 1967, part of which was later issued on an album.

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