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*leaked unnofficial compilation album from Wedges, Fint & Shaymoose. Compiling The Kerry Tapes Volumes 1,2,3 & Valentia: A Kerry Tapes Story. The 53(unconfirmed) track album has guest appearences from Terrance Snyder, Jay Holes, Yung Limescale, Kurt Cocaine, Playboi Carti, Travis Scott, Barney, Freddy Games, Simpy Steve, Travis Scott's dogs Gangsta, Jewel, Clayvont, Slump AK, Kanye West, EatDatPussy445, Lil Rocket Launcer, FishyPlayz, Submarine Man, oDie sLaTT, Veminem, Hannibal Buress, Polo G, Tyler, the Creator, Joji, Lil Baby & Poop Smoke.

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