
  • Release Date

    1 January 2008

  • Length

    9 tracks

Ve is Matt, Brad, and Char.
Written, produced, performed, tasted, loved, test-driven, disciplined, forgiven, vaccinated, and rocked repeatedly by Venus Euphoric as one (2007).
Recorded, mixed, mastered, etc. by Matthew Humes in Blue Boots Studio, Wallsburg, UT (2008).
Art direction, design, etc. by Brad Evans, with much thanks to Jonathan Higley and Carl Bennett. Photography by Brad Evans, Clayton Norlen, and Alphonse Stock.
Ve thanks families, friends, foes, co-conspirators, tolerators, well-wishers, good musicians, four- and six-stringed instruments, and Arthur Dent.
Jitters is a controversial and widely misunderstood phenomenon.

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