
Pop Punk's dead, right ?? Well, not really. To paraphrase David Hannum, there's a punker born every minute. Some of them spout anarchistic theories to anyone who will listen. Others become Crusties and happily live their entire lives with no need for dryer sheets. Some will "go Punk" for a few months and then seamlessly slid back into normal society. Still, others take the path of drugs and self-destruction and often don't live to see 25.

Then there are the geeks - those hopelessly single guys and gals who revel in listening to other guys and gals sing catchy songs about being hopelessly single. Some of them will eventually get lucky and find the geek of their dreams, but even if they do, they'll remain geeks forever. If they have children, their children will also be geeks, and as soon as they turn fifteen, they'll instinctively start scouring through their parents' record collections looking for numbered limited edition coloured vinyl 7" singles. It's simple genetics and it's not going to change anytime soon; that's why Pop Punk will survive.

Thanks to all the bands on this CD and their labels. Special thanks to Eric Peabody for helping me compile the tracks, and also for knowing that if you flog a dead horse long enough, it will eventually wake up to see another day.

Dave Parasite
December 12th 2006

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