"Tomas Danko - more often just known as DANKO, is a legend in the C64- and Amiga music scene. His melodies and fresh sound was an inspiration to a generation of new scene musicians coming up in the late 80's and early 90's.
DANKO's first CD, titled "6581" like the C64 sound chip, this is a wonderful compilation for all Danko fans. The music is produced in a pro studio with real synths etc., but Danko has also used a few C64 type sounds here and there, just to give it that slight taste of the original Danko sound.
Danko along with Slaygon (aka Kenneth Mutka) recently formed a band known as Zeitgeist. They describe themselves as "Industrial Legionary Synth". Danko's music and style in Zeitgeist is a continuation of his early C64 music and lovers of 6581 will appreciate the new direction.
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