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  • Years Active

    1999 – present (25 years)

the summerlad consists of aaran fisher on bass, guitar, vocals, bass floor pedals and synth; garrett sordi-mcclure on vocals, guitar, vocoder and organ and dean martin on drums, cymbal and squeals. garrett was p-5 from the primrods, who were at one time signed to geffen records before the record label was redesigned and they were dropped, though the album they had already recorded was fantastic. dean martin at one point worked for a leather handbag company, which is how i met him. besides being an incredible drummer he was also a treasure chest of musical influence, introducing me to the music i had always been searching for and then some. one of the best concerts i have ever witnessed was the summerlad at the now defunct night gallery. i was on mush and the only lights were four bright white lights splashed like the sun in full nudity on the band members. golden hammers, from their second full length release, was the highlight for me. they are not only musicians. they are also artists, partaking at times as musical performers in art projects around the city, including one at the art gallery of calgary, which was one extra long song. it was an amazing experience. i only wish that i would have got to experience them when they played in the church.

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