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"hoax" explores the idea of a broken or unrequited love. Taylor is seeking for a reason to give her faith back, but all she can find is a "faithless love" that is nothing more than a "hoax". Throughout the song, Swift reflects on the toll that this broken love has taken on her, describing it as a "smoking gun", "twisted knife", and "barren land". Her cries of "give me a reason" go unanswered and she is left feeling like a broken heart, with no other sadness in the world that could compare. In the bridge, Swift alludes to being "pulled apart", which is a metaphor for the pain and struggle she has gone through due to her broken heart.
Ultimately, the song is about empowerment, as the singer comes to terms with her feelings of helplessness and affirmently decides to "not want no other shade of blue but you" - meaning she is willing to stay in the relationship despite its struggles.

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