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"…Ready for It?" seems to be about a new romantic interest that the singer is intrigued by. In the first verse, she acknowledges that he has a bit of a reputation as a womanizer ("knew he was a killer") and wonders how many girls he's left heartbroken in the past. However, she also sees herself as a match for him, willing to be just as elusive and mysterious ("if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom") and even suggests holding him for "ransom". She finds him more genuine than her past exes, even though he's younger than them.

The second verse sees Swift flipping the script, referencing her own reputation as a heartbreaker ("knew I was a robber first time that he saw me"). But just as she sees herself as his equal, she also invites him to join her in metaphorical thievery, suggesting they move to an island and he can be her "jailer" (similar to how Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor have been linked together as past Hollywood legends).

Throughout the song, Swift seems to be pushing boundaries and testing this new relationship, suggesting that they are both ready to play a game with each other. The song's refrain, "baby, let the games begin", reinforces this idea of a playful, yet intense, romantic pursuit. In the end, she asks him if he's "ready for it", implying that she's fully committed to exploring this new love with him.

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