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I'm a singer-songwriter, producer, and worship leader, but not necessarily in that order. Actually, the order changes depending on what day it is. The point is that I make some money doing all those things, and I don't have any "real" jobs, which is very cool. Also, I'm one of those people who follows Jesus, who lots of folks believe is dead, and I understand why they think that, but he's really alive, which is pretty weird, because that would make him really old. Listen, you don't know the half of it. But hey, this is MY bio, not the Lord's, so I digress. Anyway, I have a regular website, and it's There's a good bit more info on that page. I'm kind of terrible at things like blogs and updates, and I'm too old and cranky to mess with all the normal myspace stuff that the kids like to do, So if you want to know something about me, just email me from my website, or leave a comment or message here. Other bio info? Well, I'm married to Staci, who is so hot she sometimes sets people's eyes on fire. I have two adopted sons, Sam and Jude. They are cuter than pretty much everyone else's kids (except, of course, yours), and probably smarter and more limber. I am a part time pastor at the greatest church that you've never heard of. And since I didn't type it's name just now, you still haven't heard of it. It's all part of the mystery, don't you see? If my life sounds perfect, don't you believe it. I'm getting old and fat and uncool, so that's not good. And I stutter, which really hinders my ability to do good impersonations. I do a crazy-good Hank Hill, as well as an uncanny Steve Irwin, but neither of those guys has a stutter. Plus, Steve Irwin died tragically, so doing any impersonation of him is kind of cruel and not-funny. People are like, "that guy is totally disrespecting Steve Irwin by doing a stuttering post mortem impersonation of him." So I stick with the music thing, because (and lots of people don't know this) stutterers don't stutter when they sing. It's science. I think that's all I have to say…..

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