
This track is from the Puppet History episode entitled 'Stealing the World's Most Expensive Necklace'. This episode covers the 'Diamond Necklace Affair' of 1784, an event that, while understood now to have not been the fault of Queen Marie Antoinette, is widely considered to be an important precipitating event to the French Revolution in that it served to further turn public opinion against the Queen.

Within the episode, the song 'Pricy Ice' is sung by an anthropomorphic pile of diamonds from the disassembled necklace in the form of a puppet voiced and operated (as all puppets on Puppet History) by Shane Madej.

The diamonds detail (with impressive speed) some lessons that might be learned from the Cardinal de Rohan's mistakes, in particular the importance of making sure to verify the identity of the person with whom you're conversing in a way more concrete than easily-forged letters and late night, clandestine meetings during which one might confuse a somewhat compelling doppelganger with a well-known and recognizable royal figure.

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