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The Prince Fatty sound is designed to your feet with Rock Steady beats and stimulate brain waves in a jazz-like way…delivered in an up-beat, positive and organic funk fashion. Mixed in an analog haze of vintage spring reverbs, tape echoes and custom hi-grade mixing console, Prince Fatty won’t disappoint the lovers of the early 70s sound. Prince Fatty is champion in the Dub Arena. With a guest line-up that includes legendary drummer Style Scott from the Roots Radics, hammond organ by Bubblers from the infamous Ruff Cut Band, Afrobeat star Bukky Leo on sax with the Nostalgia 77 Horn Section and with special guest vocals from Little Roy, Winston Francis and Hollie Cook, the new vocalist for the band The Slits.

Little Roy has worked with such reggae greats as Jackie Mittoo, Prince Buster, Lloyd ‘Matador’ Daley, Lee "Scratch" Perry and Studio One, He enjoyed hits with ‘Bongo Nyah’, ‘Black Bird" and ‘Tribal War.’ Winston Francis, is the prodigy of Chuck Bird, the great impresario, writer and performer. Winston went on to work with Carlos Malcolm, Derrick, Harriott and Boris Gardiner and recorded at Coxson's infamous Studio One in Jamaica, collaborating with foremost reggae artists including Dennis Brown, Bob Marley and Bob Andy amongst others.

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