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Michael Joy hails from the East Coast, where he fronted a few groups before migrating to the West. He's settled in Berkeley, a suitable spot for his easy mannered Americana, which is enriched with a glow of '70s era singer/songwriter charm. He is, at the core, a folk artist, but with a pop heart. And a Zen-like sense of warmth and wonder that imbues his subtle, yet crafty, material. Emmy nominated songwriter/producer Benjamin Birkbeck describes his songs and sounds as "a mix of Dylan, Traveling Wilburys, Beatles, and Cowboy Junkies with a modern alternative western rock edge." (Rivulet Music)(Miles Of Music Review August 06) From the first listen of track one, "To Climb", from Michael Joy's "River Of Days"(Rivulet Music) one feels to be with a very dear friend. This is a confident debut of the east coast Joy, that moved to the west coast, and now is living in Berkeley, California. Michael Joy has fashioned a fairly diverse and arresting mix of contemporary singer-songwriter pop, and seventies americana. These eleven songs are as catchy as hell! Fine laid back guitar lines and a beautiful groomed arrangement of each song…. Stand out songs are "Night Flight Over Water", "Bakersfield", "Mark Twain", and "Better Men Than You". This subtle CD, with certainly commercial (positively meant) aspirations has much to offer. Considering the potency of the songwriting, I expect in the future Michael Joy will find himself being courted by numerous record labels. Meanwhile, there's much here to enjoy on this excellent CD, "River Of Days" Aug 06 review in Alt-Country (Netherlands) River of Days was produced by Benji Farquhar who's worked with Taj Mahal, and also has worked with Grammy Award engineer Michael Rosen.Mixed by Justin Phelps,known for his work with Chuck Prophet, Cake and other independent artists, and mastered by veteran producer/ engineer John Cuniberti at The Plant, Sausalito, California. Float’ was recorded in lexington kentucky, 2006, by Duane Lundy at Shangrila Studios, with further production by Justin Phelps in San Francisco. The cd features “Scourge Of The Sea” a great band from lexington, plus Duane Lundy, and many veteran players from the San Francisco area. Mixed by Justin Phelps at Hyde St Studios, San Francisco, and mastered by veteran engineer John Cuniberti at The Plant in Sausalito, California.

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