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"#Beautiful" is a song recorded by American singers Mariah Carey and Miguel. It was released as the lead single from Carey's fourteenth studio album, "Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse" (2014). "#Beautiful" was written by Carey, Miguel, Nathan Perez, Brooke Davis, Mac Robinson, and Brian Keith Warfield, with Carey, Miguel and Perez producing the song.

Released on May 6, 2013, Carey and Miguel did not reveal that they had collaborated on the song, until April 25, 2013, when Carey revealed the title in a 25-second teaser video during season twelve of American Idol. It was also on Idol, on May 9, that Carey premiered the official music video for "#Beautiful", before uploading an alternative edit to her VEVO account, that is set to the explicit version of the song.

Mariah told Ryan Seacrest about wanting to work with Miguel on the song – “I’m a huge fan of his music and as I think everybody’s so blown away by him right now.” Alternatively, Miguel has stated that he has loved Mariah ever since she “walked out of the pool in that ‘Honey’ video”.

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