
  • Born

    25 April 1958 (age 66)

  • Born In

    Dalkeith, Midlothian, Scotland, United Kingdom

1. Derek William Dick, better known as Fish (born 25 April 1958 in Dalkeith, Midlothian) is a Scottish progressive rock singer, writer and actor. After an early career as a gardener and forestry worker, he came to public attention in 1981 with the British group Marillion, which he left in 1988.

Album sleeve artwork for his four Marillion albums and most of his solo albums has been done by Mark Wilkinson.

Fish is not to be confused with Phish, Chris Squire (“The Fish”), Barry Melton ("the Fish" of Country Joe & the Fish), Grossa or Bradley Fish.

He has worked with many other artists, including Tony Banks (Genesis) and Arjen Anthony Lucassen’s (Ayreon) as the Highlander in Into the Electric Castle.

2. Fish is a Chinese experimental electronic musician.

3. fish is the name of a Soundcloud account used by electronic musician Gupi.

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