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"Sleep to Dream" is a song about a toxic relationship that has ended, with the singer taking back control of her life. In the first verse, she expresses frustration towards her partner who cannot be honest or true to their feelings. She then tells them to leave her alone and take their own problems elsewhere.

The chorus reinforces her newfound independence and strength, with the line "I got my feet on the ground and I don't go to sleep to dream" highlighting the idea that she no longer needs to escape reality in order to cope. She recognizes that her partner has been living in a fantasy and is not who they seem to be. The singer's mind, body, and voice cannot be silenced by her partner's deviant ways.

The second verse reflects the hurt that the singer has gone through, feeling insulted and prideful. She can no longer abide by her partner's behavior and lies. The bridge repeats the idea that the relationship is done and over, and the singer no longer wants to play any games.

The final verse includes lines of contempt for her partner, telling them to take their baggage and leave her alone. The chorus is repeated again to reinforce her strength and newfound independence, with the final line, "I got my own hell to raise", reflecting that the singer is taking ownership and responsibility for her own life.

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