
  • Release Date

    10 April 2002

  • Length

    13 tracks

Quebrantado Coração is the sixth studio album by singer Fernanda Brum, being considered one of the artist's most successful. In 2013, it was certified platinum by ABPD for more than 250 thousand copies sold.
The musical production was signed by Emerson Pinheiro and brought together songs signed by Emerson and Fernanda, in addition to lyricists such as Alda Célia, Eyshila, Livingston Farias, Marquinhos Gomes and Kleber Lucas.

The album won favorable reviews from critics and was voted the 57th best album of the 2000s, according to a list published by Super Gospel. In 2015, it was considered, by several historians, musicians and journalists, as the 89th largest album of Brazilian Christian music, in a publication.

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