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There are two artists with the stage name "Early B":
1) Jamaican reggae artist, Early B;
2) South African hip hop and rap artist, Early B

1) Reggae artist Early B, also known as The Doctor.
Early B was an early deejay whose lyrics had a cultural bent, noted mainly in his hits "Visit of King Selassie", "History of Jamaica" and "Wheely Wheely", the latter an ode to bicycle-riding in .
Earlando Neil aka Early B began his career in the early 1980's deejaying exclusively for Killamanjaro sound system alongside his sparring partner Super Cat, whom he brought to the sound at a young age (and was originally known as Cat-A-Rock). Early B was a noted lyricist, possibly the best of the early-to-mid '80s dancehall era.
Early performed throughtout the US & England, as well as Jamaica, until 1994, when he was gunned down at a Jah Love Musik dance at Windsor Cricket Club in Boston, alongside deejay Brigadier Jerry.

2) South African hip hop and rap artist, Early B.
Earl Swartz, aka Early B, started his career in Port Elizabeth in 2012. His song "Bene Lam" won a Ghoema award for best song of the year in 2017. In 2019 he won a Ghoema award for best song of the year for "Ben 10", as well as an award for most streamed album of the year for "Aangename Kennis".

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