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As a professional musician, Carrie has performed world-wide with well-known names such as Babylon Zoo, Tricky, and Mike Oldfield. (She played on his Tubular Bells III premiere at Horseguards Parade London 1998, his European tour 1999 and his Millennium Bell show in Berlin Dec 1999.)

Carrie has had several television appearances in the United Kingdom, including The Jools Holland Show in 1997 with Tricky, and again in 1999 with Mike Oldfield. She has also been seen on MTV, Top of the Pops and Channel 4's The White Room with Babylon Zoo.
In the United States she has been on the David Letterman show and the Chris Rock show in Los Angeles with the band Tricky.

In Europe her appearance include major European TV and radio stations with Babylon Zoo, including the Danish Grammy Awards!

Carrie also had an original band in the 90's - Melbourne. She sang and played bass guitar and Chapman stick (see photo). Melbourne released two albums "Indian Ocean" and "Night Star".
Carrie now works as a lay pastoral assistant in the Church and contributes regularly singing and playing church music.

She currently lives in England with her husband who is also a professional musician, and her son (a budding performer).

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