
  • Release Date

    1 January 1989

  • Length

    17 tracks

Too Much Sleep is the second album by the experimental college rock/art rock band Bongwater. It was released in 1989. In 1998, the album was remastered by Alan Douches and Kramer for its inclusion in Box of Bongwater set.

Most of the songs are written by Mark Kramer and Ann Magnuson with some exceptions. "Talent Is a Vampire," "The Bad Review," and "Ill Fated Lovers Go Time Tripping" were written by Kramer, Magnuson, and Dave Rick. The title track was written strictly by Kramer, while "One So Black" was written by former King Missile member Dogbowl. Notable cover tunes include "The Drum" written by Peter Blegvad and Anthony Moore, "Why Are We Sleeping?" by Kevin Ayers, and "Splash 1" by the 13th Floor Elevators, one of two Roky Erickson covers with which Bongwater made themselves famous.

Music videos were created for the songs "The Drum", "Why Are We Sleeping" and "Psychedelic Sewing Room", all directed by Brad Dunning.

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