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  • Born

    9 April 1994 (age 30)

  • Born In

    Stockholms län, Sweden

Benjamin Thage Dag Reichwald (born 9 April 1994 in Stockholm, Sweden), known professionally as Bladee is a Rapper, singer, songwriter, record-producer, fashion designer and founding member of the artistic collective Drain Gang (fka Gravity Boys/Shield Gang/Smög Boys) and a former member of Krossad alonside ECCO2k. He has also released music as Evil Bladee, Ken Burns & DJ Baby Icy Yeti.

His music combines deadpan, emotional lyrics with melodic, heavily auto-tuned vocals and icy, ethereal beats.

Bladee’s discography includes three albums (Eversince/Red Light/333), four mixtapes (Gluee/Working on Dying/Icedancer/EXETER), three EPs (Rip Bladee/AvP/Sunset in Silver City), two full collaborative projects with Drain Gang (D&G/Trash Island), and a variety of non-album singles.

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