Bio: .. Music and Performance: the sound of beinhaus is shaped by the duality of electronic sound production , and the organic components: live drumming on metal-percussion such as oildrums, sheet metals or saw blades. the clear, classical singing of ulrike bergmann corresponding with the urgent voice of robert karliczek. the experimental sound production using metal, wood, flex and fragments of glass by marko schroeder. the whole performance in interaction among each other and with the audience. due to the sound components and the german lyrics, beinhaus are often compared to (old)… read more
Bio: .. Music and Performance: the sound of beinhaus is shaped by the duality of electronic sound production , and the organic components: live drumming on metal-percussion such as oildrums, sheet metals or saw blades. the clear, classical singing of ulrike bergmann corresponding with the urg… read more
Bio: .. Music and Performance: the sound of beinhaus is shaped by the duality of electronic sound production , and the organic components: live drumming on metal-percussion such as oildrums, sheet metals or saw blades. the clear, classical singing of ulrike bergmann corresponding with the urgent voice of robert karliczek. the experimental sound production using m… read more