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  • Born

    4 February 1931

  • Born In

    Bolívar, Colombia

  • Died

    1 March 2000 (aged 69)

Andres Landero (1931-2000), exemplified the continuity of the cultural traditions of his pueblo, San Jacinto, both musically and thematically as the son of a gaitero. In a town whose cultural traditions revolved around the cumbia, bullerengue, fandango, etc., Landero crafted his conjunto in this vein. As a campesino within the context of a campesino culture, the themes in his music pride the essential values that the campesino necessarily attached to the land and his/her crops. In resistance to the commercialization of costeno music and “El Vallenato6” as well as national racial projects that upheld whiteness as superior in every way, Landero vigorously championed the cultural traditions of San Jacinto and its afro-indigenous roots through a variety of contexts.

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