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Welcome to the new

We’re excited to have you using the new site and some of the brand new features which will help you explore in ways you haven’t been able to before.

We’ll be bringing a lot of our usual features to the new site soon… so keep checking back.

See below for what’s new... Re-imagined

We looked at the ways was being used and with that in mind, we’ve re-thought and re-designed ourselves to give you the best possible music journey.

By surfacing all of our listening data and music in new and more relevant ways we’re able to offer you the strongest personalised music recommendations around.

That’s because is built on the listening habits of millions of music lovers worldwide who use every day to track what they listen to across all of their devices.

Your New Home

Exposing tracks, albums, artists and events, your new homepage surfaces all the music you’re sure to love in one handy place.

Whether it’s a brand new release or a forgotten favourite, click play to listen instantly via the new playbar.

The Music Never Stops

The new playbar gives you a seamless desktop-based listening experience by pulling in music from multiple sources and staying with you wherever your journey takes you.

Uncover Your Listening History

Delve deep into your library to rekindle those distant memories. What was I listening to on that hazy day back in Summer 2009? Our new Library Explorer can tell you just that. in real-time Live is a series of interactive widgets that let you visualise the listening habits and trends of the global community, all in real-time. Click play to listen to what music is trending right now, see what other users are listening to or dive into the catalogue and discover something you’ve never heard before.

There are so many paths you can take.

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