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Top music from 2022

Top Artist

The Cure

  • 2

    Serge Gainsbourg

  • 3

    Janis Joplin

  • 4

    Grand Blanc

  • 5


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Top Album

No album scrobbled

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Top Track

Surprise Party

Grand Blanc

  • 2

    bad guy

    Billie Eilish

  • 3

    Piece of My Heart

    Janis Joplin

  • 4



  • 5

    Keep In Mind


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Highlights vs. 2021

vs. 21,638 (2021) down 47%

vs. 59 (2021) down 46%

vs. 56 days, 19 hours (2021) down 43%

vs. 96 (2021) down 70

Scrobble statistics vs. 2021

11,574 Scrobbles

xrystyna scrobbled on average more than 71% of all users this year.
Previous peak: 33,663 Scrobbles
  • 2022
  • 2021
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count
Jan 1171 2250
Feb 1628 1926
Mar 622 1733
Apr 776 1838
May 758 1696
Jun 542 1898
Jul 531 1522
Aug 938 2236
Sep 1614 2624
Oct 1315 1424
Nov 707 907
Dec 972 1584

0 Albums

vs. 1 (last year) down 100%

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1,754 Artists

vs. 2,375 (last year) down 27%

Top Artist

The Cure

140 scrobbles

On Repeat

Otis Redding

43 scrobbles

View full chart

7,356 Tracks

vs. 12,700 (last year) down 43%

Top Track

Surprise Party

Grand Blanc

38 scrobbles

On Repeat

bad guy

Billie Eilish

6 scrobbles

View full chart

Top Tags

Tag Percentage
Rock 24.8%
Electronic 21.5%
Indie 18.7%
Female vocalists 18.1%
New wave 16.9%

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count
0 279
1 53
2 58
3 17
4 17
5 7
6 1
7 0
8 38
9 313
10 740
11 867
12 947
13 938
14 938
15 624
16 579
17 533
18 514
19 752
20 950
21 1022
22 908
23 479

Listening Week

xrystyna listened the most on Mondays.

  • 2022
  • 2021
Weekday Scrobble count Previous scrobble count
Mon 2,190 3,638
Tue 1,939 3,440
Wed 1,601 3,004
Thu 1,445 3,052
Fri 1,359 2,938
Sat 1,654 2,744
Sun 1,386 2,822

xrystyna is daring

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

50% mainstream score vs. 49% (2021) down 3%

Least Obscure

Arctic Monkeys

96% Mainstream

Most Obscure

Sun City Girls

0% Mainstream

vs. 14th (2021) up 1



80% New Artists



60% New Artists



56% New Artists



23% New Artists



11% New Artists

vs. 248 (2021) down 180

vs. 202 (2021) down 57

vs. 0 (2021) no-change 0

vs. 11 (2021) down 11

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