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Top music from 10 Feb 2023 — 16 Feb 2023

Top Artist

Black Mountain

  • 2

    Marion Raven

  • 3


  • 4

    Helynt & GameChops

  • 5


View full chart
Top Album

Get Up Sequences Part Two

The Go! Team

  • 2

    Super Lofi World 2

    Helynt & GameChops

  • 3

    Ti ville hester

    Marion Ravn

  • 4

    Dungeons & Dragons - Official Roleplaying Soundtrack

    Midnight Syndicate

  • 5

    Do Your Trust Your Friends?


View full chart
Top Track

Glue Song


  • 2

    Ti ville hester

    Marion Ravn

  • 3

    Modern Music

    Black Mountain

  • 4

    En vanlig dag

    Marion Ravn

  • 5

    Hold meg i hånda

    Marion Ravn

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Highlights vs. last week

vs. 821 (last week) up 13%

vs. 117 (last week) up 13%

vs. 3 days, 10 hours (last week) down 26%

Scrobble statistics vs. last week

921 Scrobbles

frozentruth scrobbled on average more than 96% of all users this week.
Previous peak: 3,252 Scrobbles
  • This week
  • Last week
  • 6 month average
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count Rolling average
Fri 65 46 143
Sat 177 17 72
Sun 248 7 65
Mon 151 174 158
Tue 28 254 146
Wed 105 248 134
Thu 147 75 141

369 Albums

vs. 100 (last week) up 269%

Top Album

Get Up Sequences Part Two

The Go! Team

48 scrobbles

On Repeat

Get Up Sequences Part Two

The Go! Team

48 scrobbles

View full chart

236 Artists

vs. 109 (last week) up 117%

Top Artist

Black Mountain

48 scrobbles

On Repeat

Black Mountain

48 scrobbles

View full chart

619 Tracks

vs. 421 (last week) up 48%

Top Track

Glue Song


8 scrobbles

On Repeat

Glue Song


5 scrobbles

View full chart

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count Average scrobble count
0 17 8.2
1 12 6.68
2 14 5.56
3 14 4.56
4 13 3.48
5 16 3.56
6 14 3.72
7 25 9.68
8 41 38.36
9 55 68.32
10 68 94.44
11 82 93.64
12 84 86.92
13 68 83.16
14 34 72.04
15 18 64.64
16 46 44.52
17 54 35.92
18 67 30.76
19 53 28.64
20 33 28.44
21 32 20.08
22 27 14.6
23 34 9.88
  • 6 month average

frozentruth is underground

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

21% mainstream score vs. 17% (last week) down 24%

Least Obscure


84% Mainstream

Most Obscure

Giro Alva

0% Mainstream

vs. 8th (Last week) up 7



39% New Artists



36% New Artists



34% New Artists



29% New Artists



25% New Artists

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