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Top music from 3 Dec 2021 — 9 Dec 2021

Top Artist

Hawksley Workman

  • 2


  • 3

    William Shatner

  • 4

    Joel Plaskett Emergency

  • 5


View full chart
Top Album

IN REVERIE: A Lilystars Christmas Compilation

Various Artists

  • 2

    Shatner Claus

    William Shatner

  • 3

    Twenty Years Gone: Joel Plaskett Emergency Revisits Down at the Khyber

    Joel Plaskett Emergency

  • 4

    The Atlas Underground Flood

    Tom Morello

  • 5

    Living Things

    Matthew Sweet

View full chart
Top Track

Can We, Can We


  • 2

    Christmas Daydreams

    Orange and Lemons

  • 3

    Perfect Blue


  • 4

    Gloomy Girl


  • 5

    Jingle Bells

    Crash Test Dummies

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Highlights vs. last week

vs. 583 (last week) down 19%

vs. 83 (last week) down 19%

vs. 1 day, 11 hours (last week) down 16%

Scrobble statistics vs. last week

474 Scrobbles

frozentruth scrobbled on average more than 84% of all users this week.
Previous peak: 3,252 Scrobbles
  • This week
  • Last week
  • 6 month average
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count Rolling average
Fri 117 126 58
Sat 31 46 29
Sun 21 30 16
Mon 67 93 44
Tue 28 58 44
Wed 68 142 32
Thu 142 88 35

69 Albums

vs. 106 (last week) down 35%

Top Album

IN REVERIE: A Lilystars Christmas Compilation

Various Artists

44 scrobbles

On Repeat

Shatner Claus

William Shatner

37 scrobbles

View full chart

51 Artists

vs. 85 (last week) down 40%

Top Artist

Hawksley Workman

56 scrobbles

On Repeat

Hawksley Workman

56 scrobbles

View full chart

172 Tracks

vs. 222 (last week) down 23%

Top Track

Can We, Can We


14 scrobbles

On Repeat

Can We, Can We


8 scrobbles

View full chart

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count Average scrobble count
0 0 0.0
1 0 0.0
2 0 0.0
3 0 0.0
4 0 0.04
5 4 0.0
6 0 0.28
7 1 1.8
8 4 9.52
9 22 16.12
10 82 28.76
11 5 20.8
12 0 15.24
13 5 16.76
14 15 8.92
15 13 8.16
16 24 19.6
17 46 32.0
18 63 13.4
19 105 22.28
20 44 34.36
21 41 7.68
22 0 0.96
23 0 0.44
  • 6 month average

frozentruth is underground

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

25% mainstream score vs. 19% (last week) down 32%

Least Obscure

Elton John

84% Mainstream

Most Obscure

The Geeks PH

0% Mainstream

vs. 1st (Last week) down 7



47% New Artists



43% New Artists



27% New Artists



11% New Artists



10% New Artists

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