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Top music from 17 Sep 2021 — 23 Sep 2021

Top Artist

Mikel & GameChops

  • 2

    Helynt & GameChops

  • 3

    The Smashing Pumpkins

  • 4

    Caspar Babypants

  • 5

    Hermitage Green

View full chart
Top Album

Poké & Chill

Mikel & GameChops

  • 2

    Zelda & Chill

    Mikel & GameChops

  • 3

    Zelda & Chill 2

    Mikel & GameChops

  • 4

    Mario & Chill

    Helynt & GameChops

  • 5

    Hi Generation

    Hermitage Green

View full chart
Top Track

Hateno Village

Mikel & GameChops

  • 2

    The Everlasting Gaze

    The Smashing Pumpkins

  • 3


    Dey Rose

  • 4

    Deep Castle

    Helynt & GameChops

  • 5

    Gusty Gardens

    Helynt & GameChops

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Highlights vs. last week

vs. 154 (last week) up 55%

vs. 22 (last week) up 55%

vs. 10 hours (last week) up 49%

Scrobble statistics vs. last week

238 Scrobbles

frozentruth scrobbled on average more than 62% of all users this week.
Previous peak: 3,252 Scrobbles
  • This week
  • Last week
  • 6 month average
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count Rolling average
Fri 16 40 152
Sat 14 28 17
Sun 26 1 13
Mon 151 45 32
Tue 9 1 34
Wed 10 18 21
Thu 12 21 31

33 Albums

vs. 59 (last week) down 45%

Top Album

Poké & Chill

Mikel & GameChops

45 scrobbles

On Repeat

Poké & Chill

Mikel & GameChops

45 scrobbles

View full chart

29 Artists

vs. 50 (last week) down 42%

Top Artist

Mikel & GameChops

118 scrobbles

On Repeat

Mikel & GameChops

118 scrobbles

View full chart

123 Tracks

vs. 109 (last week) up 13%

Top Track

Hateno Village

Mikel & GameChops

4 scrobbles

On Repeat

Hateno Village

Mikel & GameChops

4 scrobbles

View full chart

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count Average scrobble count
0 0 0.0
1 0 0.0
2 0 0.0
3 0 0.08
4 0 0.04
5 0 0.0
6 4 0.12
7 0 1.68
8 47 7.64
9 49 15.2
10 62 28.56
11 7 42.36
12 5 40.56
13 7 41.4
14 6 33.96
15 0 7.44
16 0 11.0
17 7 15.28
18 1 4.4
19 1 14.08
20 26 27.36
21 13 8.04
22 3 0.72
23 0 0.32
  • 6 month average

frozentruth is underground

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

18% mainstream score vs. 34% (last week) up 48%

Least Obscure

Lady Gaga

89% Mainstream

Most Obscure

Hermitage Green & The Trews

0% Mainstream

vs. 3rd (Last week) down 1



44% New Artists



44% New Artists



41% New Artists



28% New Artists



27% New Artists

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