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Top music from 2022

Top Artist

The Killers

  • 2

    Arcade Fire

  • 3

    Brandon Flowers

  • 4

    Regina Spektor

  • 5

    Bruce Springsteen

View full chart
Top Album

The Desired Effect

Brandon Flowers

  • 2



  • 3



  • 4

    Sam's Town

    The Killers

  • 5

    Battle Born (Deluxe Edition)

    The Killers

View full chart
Top Track

Can't Deny My Love

Brandon Flowers

  • 2

    I Can Change

    Brandon Flowers

  • 3

    Lonely Town

    Brandon Flowers

  • 4

    Still Want You

    Brandon Flowers

  • 5

    Between Me and You

    Brandon Flowers

View full chart

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Highlights vs. 2021

vs. 27,178 (2021) down 1%

vs. 74 (2021) no-change 0%

vs. 70 days, 24 hours (2021) up 5%

vs. 365 (2021) no-change 0

Scrobble statistics vs. 2021

27,062 Scrobbles

erness00 scrobbled on average more than 94% of all users this year.
Previous peak: 27,178 Scrobbles
  • 2022
  • 2021
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count
Jan 2399 2222
Feb 2427 2143
Mar 2302 2427
Apr 2106 1947
May 2070 2528
Jun 2173 2313
Jul 2176 2395
Aug 2308 2304
Sep 2316 2258
Oct 2497 2224
Nov 2120 2013
Dec 2168 2404

1,799 Albums

vs. 2,021 (last year) down 11%

Top Album

The Desired Effect

Brandon Flowers

605 scrobbles

On Repeat



59 scrobbles

View full chart

609 Artists

vs. 676 (last year) down 10%

Top Artist

The Killers

1,948 scrobbles

On Repeat


59 scrobbles

View full chart

8,870 Tracks

vs. 9,695 (last year) down 9%

Top Track

Can't Deny My Love

Brandon Flowers

85 scrobbles

On Repeat


Charli XCX

7 scrobbles

View full chart

Top Tags

Tag Percentage
Pop 28.9%
Rock 25.9%
Indie 16.7%
Indie rock 14.4%
Alternative 14.1%

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count
0 3160
1 2169
2 1494
3 2251
4 1240
5 0
6 14
7 57
8 70
9 74
10 290
11 154
12 299
13 646
14 748
15 2133
16 2301
17 1741
18 1007
19 749
20 1365
21 1324
22 1461
23 2315

Listening Week

erness00 listened the most on Saturdays.

  • 2022
  • 2021
Weekday Scrobble count Previous scrobble count
Mon 3,615 3,790
Tue 3,308 3,621
Wed 3,428 3,698
Thu 3,785 3,608
Fri 4,209 4,284
Sat 4,531 4,221
Sun 4,186 3,956

erness00 is mainstream

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

78% mainstream score vs. 71% (2021) down 10%

Least Obscure

The Weeknd

100% Mainstream

Most Obscure

Sugababes vs Girls Aloud

8% Mainstream

vs. 134th (2021) down 59



100% New Artists



100% New Artists



100% New Artists



33% New Artists



33% New Artists

vs. 501 (2021) up 660

vs. 151 (2021) down 3

vs. 0 (2021) up 3

vs. 62 (2021) down 7

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