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Top music from 2022

Top Artist

Frank Ocean

  • 2

    Kendrick Lamar

  • 3

    Alex G

  • 4

    Kanye West

  • 5

    The Smile

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Top Album


Frank Ocean

  • 2

    Mr. Morale & the Big Steppers

    Kendrick Lamar

  • 3

    A Light for Attracting Attention

    The Smile

  • 4

    You Can’t Kill Me

    070 Shake

  • 5

    Ants From Up There

    Black Country, New Road

View full chart
Top Track


Frank Ocean

  • 2


    Frank Ocean

  • 3


    Frank Ocean

  • 4

    Impietas + Deathwish

    Frank Ocean

  • 5


    Frank Ocean

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Highlights vs. 2021

vs. 25,025 (2021) down 12%

vs. 69 (2021) down 12%

vs. 71 days, 5 hours (2021) down 16%

vs. 220 (2021) down 4

Scrobble statistics vs. 2021

22,170 Scrobbles

cthomas2 scrobbled on average more than 90% of all users this year.
Previous peak: 28,275 Scrobbles
  • 2022
  • 2021
Period Scrobble count Comparison scrobble count
Jan 1854 2796
Feb 1695 2215
Mar 1530 1959
Apr 1512 2350
May 1567 2026
Jun 1751 2447
Jul 1244 2103
Aug 2081 1853
Sep 2269 1896
Oct 2549 1847
Nov 1967 1950
Dec 2151 1583

1,750 Albums

vs. 2,051 (last year) down 15%

Top Album


Frank Ocean

693 scrobbles

On Repeat

Natural Brown Prom Queen

Sudan Archives

103 scrobbles

View full chart

903 Artists

vs. 1,076 (last year) down 17%

Top Artist

Frank Ocean

1,153 scrobbles

On Repeat

Sudan Archives

103 scrobbles

View full chart

8,261 Tracks

vs. 9,024 (last year) down 9%

Top Track


Frank Ocean

56 scrobbles

On Repeat


Sun's Signature

13 scrobbles

View full chart

Top Tags

Tag Percentage
Hip-hop 23.4%
Rnb 22.1%
Indie 19.7%
Rap 18.5%
Electronic 16.3%

Listening Clock

Hour Scrobble count
0 1076
1 711
2 334
3 160
4 72
5 57
6 55
7 46
8 96
9 1037
10 1117
11 1612
12 1941
13 1793
14 1676
15 1606
16 1827
17 1810
18 1337
19 1046
20 1021
21 495
22 522
23 723

Listening Week

cthomas2 listened the most on Fridays.

  • 2022
  • 2021
Weekday Scrobble count Previous scrobble count
Mon 2,828 3,541
Tue 3,749 3,697
Wed 3,747 4,147
Thu 3,291 3,449
Fri 3,923 4,018
Sat 2,460 3,163
Sun 2,172 3,010

cthomas2 is mainstream

Calculated by comparing your top artists, against the most popular artists in this time period.

74% mainstream score vs. 71% (2021) down 5%

Least Obscure

The Weeknd

100% Mainstream

Most Obscure

Suit Dummies

0% Mainstream

vs. 17th (2021) down 9



75% New Artists



64% New Artists



63% New Artists



30% New Artists



29% New Artists

vs. 0 (2021) no-change 0

vs. 206 (2021) down 36

vs. 0 (2021) no-change 0

vs. 13 (2021) down 5

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