
What if she is slightly like me
What if she is nothing like me
What if she just doesn't like me
What if she's into the night scene
Or likes peanuts on her ice cream
What if she's just like her mother
As beautiful, as smart and stubborn
It's my job to keep her covered
She won't be another number
Oh my god, she'll have a lover...

What if she prefers Pepsi
What if someone holler, call her sexy
I'm not a killer but don't bloody tempt me
Better be her fucking bestie or a clip is running empty

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She Goes
Ooh I will follow her
She Goes
Ooh I will follower her
She Goes

What if I just make you upset
Your mama told me change the subject
Maybe I could give you one guess
bought you both a matching sundress
Had to do it, only one left

Can't wait for you to watch a Sunset
Can't wait to watch you take that one step
Even when life gets the toughest
You don't have to worry what's left
You just keep on saying what's next

She Goes

Writer(s): Luke Benjamin Potashnick, Amy Yon

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