There are multiple bands named Ommm. 1) oMMM founded the musical style Bedcore in the year 2002. "Bedcore is what happens when acid house can’t be arsed to get up in the morning. Or evening. When it does, it generally moves around in a decrepit fashion." (Jonny Mugwump) Early tracks, such as those presented on Testing the Equipment (ADAADAT 2005), confected a melodic glitch texture of a heartbreaking innocence. The latest development of this genre takes the form of a wholesale ransacking and updating of the twentieth-century avant-garde: cassette-tape concrète, lo-fi ser… read more
There are multiple bands named Ommm. 1) oMMM founded the musical style Bedcore in the year 2002. "Bedcore is what happens when acid house can’t be arsed to get up in the morning. Or evening. When it does, it generally moves around in a decrepit fashion." (Jonny Mugwump) Early trac… read more
There are multiple bands named Ommm. 1) oMMM founded the musical style Bedcore in the year 2002. "Bedcore is what happens when acid house can’t be arsed to get up in the morning. Or evening. When it does, it generally moves around in a decrepit fashion." (Jonny Mugwump) Early tracks, such as those presented on Testing the Equipment (ADAADAT 2005), con… read more