www.zmarx.com Born in Austria in 1973. Programmer on Max Payne Japanese PS2 Music for Trackmania Sunrise Audio Programmer on Black Technical Sound Designer on Burnout Paradise Music Editor on Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - computer game — 1973: born in Vienna, Austria 2001: "In Dir" gets airplay on FM4, which is broadcasting in Germany and Austria 2002: degree in computer science at the TU Vienna, with special topic computer graphics and virtual reality 2002: programmer at Rockstar Vienna. He was involved in Max Payne and some other projects 2003: &q… read more
www.zmarx.com Born in Austria in 1973. Programmer on Max Payne Japanese PS2 Music for Trackmania Sunrise Audio Programmer on Black Technical Sound Designer on Burnout Paradise Music Editor on Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - computer game — 1973: born in Vienna, Austria 2001… read more
www.zmarx.com Born in Austria in 1973. Programmer on Max Payne Japanese PS2 Music for Trackmania Sunrise Audio Programmer on Black Technical Sound Designer on Burnout Paradise Music Editor on Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince - computer game — 1973: born in Vienna, Austria 2001: "In Dir" gets airplay on FM4, which is broadcasting in Germ… read more