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Yws Gwynedd is a Welsh rock band from North Wales.

Named after its lead singer Ywain Gwynedd, the band achieved acclaim in 2014 after their debut album Codi / \ Cysgu ("wake-up /\ sleep" in Welsh) won Best LP at that year's Y Selar music awards. The album was also nominated for best Welsh-language album at the Eisteddfod in 2015.

Their second album, released in 2017, was nominated for the 2017 Welsh-language album of the year award, and won the best album at Y Selar's awards.

The band perform regularly at Welsh music events and have headlined festivals such as Tafwyl and Maes B. In 2015 they performed at Festival Number 6 on the Clough stage and returned in 2017. They have performed on S4C and Radio Cymru multiple times.

One of the band's guitarists, Ifan Davies, is also the lead singer of the band Sŵnami.

"Perta" (originally called "Hi yw y Berta"), the Welsh entry for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2018, is written by lead singer Ywain. I

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