Terry Riley (born June 24, 1935) is an American composer associated with the minimalist school. Born in Colfax, California, United States, Riley studied at Shasta College, San Francisco State University, and the San Francisco Conservatory before earning an MA in composition at the University of California, Berkeley, studying with Seymour Shifrin and Robert Erickson. He was involved in the experimental San Francisco Tape Music Center working with Morton Subotnick, Steve Reich, Pauline Oliveros, and Ramon Sender. His most influential teacher, however, was Pandit Pran Nath (1918-1996),… read more
Terry Riley (born June 24, 1935) is an American composer associated with the minimalist school. Born in Colfax, California, United States, Riley studied at Shasta College, San Francisco State University, and the San Francisco Conservatory before earning an MA in composition at the University … read more
Terry Riley (born June 24, 1935) is an American composer associated with the minimalist school. Born in Colfax, California, United States, Riley studied at Shasta College, San Francisco State University, and the San Francisco Conservatory before earning an MA in composition at the University of California, Berkeley, studying with Seymour Shifrin and Robert Ericks… read more