When Talain Rayne Blanchon was a senior in high-school he had no piano, no voice, and no clue music would come for his heart like it has. The journey didn’t begin until a teacher helped him buy his first keyboard and record his first song that year. Writing music quickly became Talain’s livelihood, keeping him afloat amidst stormy seasons. He clung to songwriting through college with a fervor that has not subsided. In spring 2009 his growing passion led him to study abroad at the Contemporary Music Center on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts with 30 other young, aspiring musicians.… read more
When Talain Rayne Blanchon was a senior in high-school he had no piano, no voice, and no clue music would come for his heart like it has. The journey didn’t begin until a teacher helped him buy his first keyboard and record his first song that year. Writing music quickly became Talain’s livel… read more
When Talain Rayne Blanchon was a senior in high-school he had no piano, no voice, and no clue music would come for his heart like it has. The journey didn’t begin until a teacher helped him buy his first keyboard and record his first song that year. Writing music quickly became Talain’s livelihood, keeping him afloat amidst stormy seasons. He clung to songwriting… read more