Contacts in high places
Get you everything you need
As long as you keep your silence
Then one day they tell you
Persona Non Grata
Their lies and deceit
Persona Non Grata
You had it all, now you have nothing
Do you remember who you were
Before they took your identity
Before they'd shut all the doors
And had left you in the dark
No bribe can give you freedom
Broken dreams thrown to the wind
Empty lies scattered around you
Drowning you in their greed
Where will you go now?
Who's going to save you?
Persona Non Grata
Their lies and deceit
Persona Non Grata
You had it all, now you have nothing
As time passes by
You pray it'll kill the pain
This hatred within
May it release you and set you free
How unfortunate that we live in a world
Where those with power abuse our trust
How disheartening is our future
When the honest and poor are abused
Persona Non Grata
Will you remember me
Persona Non Grata
My identity will be returned