
I've worked it out
So I'm never going back again
Don't believe what's hypnotised
Wont be long and I'm on my way
Reaching out for the humankind
Don't Pay slowly
Don't you know what this world it turns
To leave their hatred far behind
You know you're not that way inside
Not that way anymore no
You've worked it out
Old men behind closed doors
Send the young out to die
They'll sit safe while you're on your way
To leave their hatred far behind
You know you're not that way inside anymore
Not that way anymore
We've worked it out
Timeless truths that will never die
Some care and thats the power
Come with me coz we're on our way
To leave their hatred far behind
You know you're not that way inside

Writer(s): Charles Chaplin, Timothy Bainbridge

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