Öptüm/ Bakarsın Umduğundan İyi Geçer Yaz was released under SN music Yapım and also was exclusively released on UK by World Village Label. Sezen released öptüm as her suprise release after getting critically acclaimed by international critics, touring all over the world and it became first album to receive critic scores to 80 (following with the lead single Unuttun Mu beni became a European smash hit and even on streaming era) Öptüm quotes from her 2002 song (sen şarkı) which it refers flying kiss behind the summer, which it follows the song ''Unuttun mu beni'' … read more
Öptüm/ Bakarsın Umduğundan İyi Geçer Yaz was released under SN music Yapım and also was exclusively released on UK by World Village Label. Sezen rel… read more
Öptüm/ Bakarsın Umduğundan İyi Geçer Yaz was released under SN music Yapım and also was exclusively released on UK by World Village Label. Sezen released öptüm as her suprise release af… read more
Sezen Aksu (b. 1954) is a pop music singer and songwriter, popular both with a mass audience in Turkey, and with world music fans internationally. Born Fatma Sezen Yıldırım on the 13 July 1954 in Sarayköy/Denizli, Turkey, she began to study at the local agricultural institute, but gave up her studies to concentrate on music full time. She released her first single, "Haydi Şansım/Gel Bana" (Come on My Luck/Come to Me) in 1975. However, she remained undiscovered until her 1976 single "Olmaz Olsun" reached number one in the Turkish charts. Her first album Serçe (Spa… read more
Sezen Aksu (b. 1954) is a pop music singer and songwriter, popular both with a mass audience in Turkey, and with world music fans internationally. Born Fatma Sezen Yıldırım on the 13 July 1… read more
Sezen Aksu (b. 1954) is a pop music singer and songwriter, popular both with a mass audience in Turkey, and with world music fans internationally. Born Fatma Sezen Yıldırım on the 13 July 1954 in Sarayköy/Denizli, Turkey, she began to … read more