
  • Release Date

    17 April 2020

  • Length

    13 tracks

Sawayama (stylised in all caps) is the debut studio album by Japanese-British singer-songwriter Rina Sawayama, released on April 17, 2020 by the independent record label . A follow up to her self-released debut EP Rina (2017), it received widespread acclaim from music critics, specifically towards the wide variety of music genres used, as well as its nostalgia and "intelligent" nature. Described by Sawayama herself as being "about family and identity", she lyrically explores personal experiences from both her childhood and adulthood.

Sawayama was primarily produced by Clarence Clarity and written by Sawayama, with additional work from musicians such as Danny L Harle, Kyle Shearer, Jonathan Gilmore, Bram Inscore and Lauren Aquilina among others. Musically, the album is influenced by mainstream , , , and among other genres.

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