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There's a vision, and it's in my head
And it's all the words you ever said
Don't go
Don't go

It's a feeling that can never fade
And it's calling, unbetrayed
Don't go
Don't go

Lyrics continue below...

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There's a feeling growing in my head
It's burning holes in the empty bed
Don't go
Don't go

I took your ticket on a killing ride
But now it's over, and I wish I died
Don't go
Don't go
Please don't go

Please don't go

It's a feeling that can never fade
And it's calling, unbetrayed
Don't go
Don't go


There's a vision, and it's in my head
And it's all the words you ever said
Don't go
Please don't go

(Don't go) there's a feeling that can never fade
(Don't go) and it's calling, unbetrayed
Don't go
Please don't go
No, no, no, no

I took your ticket on a killing ride (don't go)
But now it's over, and I wish I died
Don't go
Don't go

Don't go
Don't go
Don't go

Writer(s): Andy Mccluskey, Paul Humphreys

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