Coming from the Dagar lineage of dhrupad-dhamar singers, Nasir Zahiruddin Dagar and his brother Nasir Faiyazuddin Dagar were born in 1932 and 1934, respectively. Their grandfather was the famed Allabande Khan Dagar. Both brothers started learning vocal music at an early age from their father Nasiruddin Dagar. Later, they continued their training under their elder brothers Nasir Mohinuddin Dagar and Nasir Aminuddin Dagar. They were awarded scholarships from the Government of India for advanced training in music for a period of five years. They were known for their detailed raag rendi… read more
Coming from the Dagar lineage of dhrupad-dhamar singers, Nasir Zahiruddin Dagar and his brother Nasir Faiyazuddin Dagar were born in 1932 and 1934, respectively. Their grandfather was the famed Allabande Khan Dagar. Both brothers started learning vocal music at an early age from their father … read more
Coming from the Dagar lineage of dhrupad-dhamar singers, Nasir Zahiruddin Dagar and his brother Nasir Faiyazuddin Dagar were born in 1932 and 1934, respectively. Their grandfather was the famed Allabande Khan Dagar. Both brothers started learning vocal music at an early age from their father Nasiruddin Dagar. Later, they continued their training under their elder… read more