Finland is dead! Now rises the new age of machines: the industrialized proclamation of Havoc Unit - Modern Society Mass Concentration Camp. Havoc Unit is the new propaganda machine & the audio-visual forum for artists to collaborate without restrictions: a test channel where neurons communicate via chemical and electrical synapses in order to spread audio-virulence and bacteria. The iridescent concept album is a terror assault on the world taboos, and for parental advisory, its explicit content may raise animosity. Listen-Consume-Delete! Collaborating artists on h.IV+: And The… read more
Finland is dead! Now rises the new age of machines: the industrialized proclamation of Havoc Unit - Modern Society Mass Concentration Camp. Havoc Unit is the new propaganda machine & the audio-visual forum for artists to collaborate without restrictions: a test channel where neurons comm… read more
Finland is dead! Now rises the new age of machines: the industrialized proclamation of Havoc Unit - Modern Society Mass Concentration Camp. Havoc Unit is the new propaganda machine & the audio-visual forum for artists to collaborate without restrictions: a test channel where neurons communicate via chemical and electrical synapses in order to spread audio-vi… read more